The database interface you've always dreamed of

Supersonic is a minimalistic relational database access solution that simplifies your day-to-day work.


Everyone works with data

After seeing the same problems over and over, we decided to build a tool that makes it easier to work with data.

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We nailed your everyday use cases

The average database tool has countless features you'll never use. We carved out the ones you will & made them joyful to use.

Foreign keys are clickable and take you to the referenced table. It's like magic, but it's not.

Three core principles shaped Supersonic


Less is more

We focus on the everyday use cases and make sure they're easy and joyful to use.

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Data privacy

It's your data

Supersonic's core functionality is running on your local machine. We don't store any of your data on our servers.

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Role-based access control

You're in control

We've made it easy to manage your users and their permissions. No more asking ChatGPT and writing SQL.

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Get started

Start using Supersonic today and lift up your productivity.

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